Research carried out by University College London has revealed that more than one in three British adults are living with at least two chronic health conditions. ... Read full article
Scientists from Stanford University School of Medicine in California and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging have developed an inflammatory aging clock, which can predict an individual’s likelihood of incurring age-associated diseases... Read full article
How does Yin Yoga differ from other yoga practices? Well, most Yoga practices like Hatha or Ashtanga, for example, are referred to as Yang Yoga as it represents the brighter more obvious surface part of our energy... Read full article
Just how important is hydration when it comes to your overall health and wellbeing? Over the coming weeks, while we will of course focus much of the time on exercise and nutrition, we will also dive into some important foundational topics. ... Read full article
In this edition of the HealthHubble Podcast we introduce Sam Lynch. Sam is a qualified personal trainer who specialises in functional, pain-free training and nutritional coaching. ... Read full article
Nearly half of UK adults could have an unhealthy relationship with food, with younger generations being most unhappy with their eating habits according to new research carried out by the not-for-profit healthcare provider, Benenden Health.... Read full article
We all know the benefits of regular exercise, but biting the bullet and committing to getting more active can sometimes get in the way of our inner intentions. ... Read full article
Linda Isaacs, Chartered Physiotherapist working at the Walnut Grove Clinic, has highlighted the importance of physiotherapy for improving the quality of life of those suffering from Long Covid-19.... Read full article
We all know that a build up of stress and anxiety resulting in burnout is detrimental to our health and wellbeing. But why do we sometimes put off essential ‘me time’, or lower its priority so it sits at the bottom of our to-do-list?... Read full article
Do you ever feel like you’re eating less than ever, moving more than ever but not losing the weight you want? Maybe you’ve cut out a food group and not seeing the magic weight loss you were promised? ... Read full article