It is a fact that 1 in 4 of us will experience mental health problems at some point in our lives. These figures only underline the importance of providing clear, unbiased and factual information to help support and promote the importance of seeking and accessing support when it is needed.
Here at HealthHubble, we understand and advocate the importance of preventative and ongoing support. We are proud to work with a multidisciplinary panel of experts who provide this advice and link with charities that offer a wealth of guidance and practical advice.
A recent study carried out by FutureYou Cambridge has revealed that younger Brits are almost three times more likely to say that they are feeling stressed compared to older generations.... Read full article
A team from University College London has worked with a large global tech company based in the City of London to research staff experiences in respect to open-plan working. ... Read full article
Do you feel stuck, frustrated or struggle with certain relationships? Perhaps you are feeling stressed or lacking motivation or confidence? Or maybe you are looking to create some healthier habits for the new year, but don’t quite know where to start... Read full article
According to a recent survey by Lloyds Bank, nearly half (49%) of small businesses have reported problems with their staff’s mental health during the last year.... Read full article
Imagine playing a complex board game where everyone is playing by their own rules, except you don’t know what the rules are or how to invent your own. That’s what life can feel like when we haven’t learnt the skill of healthy personal boundaries. ... Read full article
Recent data from the ONS (Office for National Statistics) has highlighted that around 1 in 5 adults have struggled with their mental health, such as depression during the early part of this year; over double that recorded before the pandemic. ... Read full article
We tend to imagine something catastrophic or even ridiculous when we talk about midlife crisis. Probably some cliché images of sports cars and love affairs appear up in our mind we think about it. ... Read full article
Hypnotherapy is a type of psychological therapy that uses hypnosis to help treat certain mental and physical health conditions. It can also be used to change habits.... Read full article
A recent survey carried out by Lime Insurance has found that over half of UK workers feel pressurised to hide mental health problems from their colleagues, despite feeling unable to cope at work.... Read full article